From the Desk of the Principal................
"Real service to the Teacher is to try to understand his
words, his ideas; to reflect upon them and strive our
best to live up to them”.
Nurturing our students in a positive community where
they learn to take responsibility of their own learning
and behavior has been the school’s endeavour.
We encouraged children to appreciate the virtues of
collaboration, to faster habits or responsibility and
self-discipline and to promote initiative, endeavour and
the exercise of individual judgement. We project the
school as the servant of the community and to accept
appropriate share of responsibility of equipping each
child to final his/her own niche in his/her occupation
and in the society.
Dear Parents & Students, our primary mission is to
nurture a garden of faith, hope and love in each child’s
soul, heart and mind. Though spiritual growth and
academic excellence, parents and teachers become
co-creators in revealing the face of God in every child.
Once again, I thank the parents for trusting us.
Mrs. Paramjit Kaur
M.A., B.Ed.
Principal |

Our President says……..
Congrats! on switching over school’s affiliation from
State Board to C.B.S.E., New Delhi on demand of the
worthy parents.
Let me begin with a
quote by George Bernard Shaw, “If I have an apple and
you have an apple after exchanging the apples we should
still have an apple each. But, if the two of us have an
idea, after exchanging the idea we would have two ideas
Through teaching faculty in Punjab Convent School, VPO
Mehlan (Sangrur) which started with an idea, we have
been able to prepare nation builders (i.e. our students)
by imparting right education & furnishing them
constantly with cutting edge information on all
educational aspects.
And, it will be an ongoing Endeavour that Punjab Convent
School, VPO Mehlan (Sangrur) is able to give to its
students, an opportunity to shine, and to caste that
shining light to a great distance.
Looking back, things have been great, and looking ahead,
things appear to be even better! On that optimistic
note, let us embark on the next leg of PCS's journey,
steering the education with courage, confidence and